
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Ares Ottoman First Rate Bash

In early 2015 I modified a couple of Ares Sails of Glory first rate models for a friend in Arizona. I was going through my past posts and found the first one I did, but not the second. For some reason or other I never posted it, Looking through my photos from early 2015, I think it might have been the poor quality of the photos I took, or I might have intentionally decided not to post it because I didn't take the usual finished photo sequence. So I have borrowed the very nice photo my friend Gunner took to post on the SOG Anchorage website when he received the ship in the mail. I am including the poor photos first, then the nice one last. For some reason Gunner wanted this one to be an Ottoman first rate. I did pretty much the same modifications to this one that I did with Gunner's first ship (see "Sails of Glory Kit Bash" January 2015). Doing this model inspired me to  create my own 1/1200 scale Ottoman first rate from a Navwar model (see Navwar Ottoman Empire Selimiye 122 Gun 1st Rate, February 2015). Anyway here are the photos. Better Late than never I guess.