One of my SOG friends across the pond pointed out I had the wrong post 1801 ensign and Jack on the Bounty with the red Irish saltire. In 1789 during the infamous breadfruit voyage the Union Jack did notyert exist. So I have replaced them with the proper jack and ensign.
Looking back I also realized I made the same mistake on HMS Pandora, the frigate sent to find Bounty. So I changed that one as well.
My current work in progress is a Pyro plastic kit of HM Bounty in 1/190 scale.
I haven't built a full hull plastic kit in quite a while and I am not at all sure what I'll be able to do with it. It has a full plastic sail compliment that I don't really like and really awful plastic ratlines. Not a whole lot of parts either so I may add a few things. The thing that really depresses me is the original $1 price tag!