
Friday, January 8, 2021

1/700 San Juan Nepomuceno 74 Gun Spanish SOL

This is the finished 3D FDM Simon Mann Montanes hull Peter Lowe recently sent me. I may have mentioned his partner is a great granddaughter of Cosmao Cherrucca, Captain of the San Juan Nepomuceno. So I modeled this hull as that ship to send to Pete as thanks for his generosity.

Inspiration pics:

To begin with these FDM prints are not as detailed as the resin prints, which actually make them quite sturdy for handling and gaming. One of the things they are missing is stern lanterns. On previous prints, like the HMS Captain, I replaced broken off lanterns with new ones made of fishing line and PVA glue. This time I tried something that came to me in a dream. I turned lanterns from .040" Polystyrene rod using my Dremel tool with a needle file and bit of 400 grit sandpaper. a small hole was drilled in the bottom and a length of 20lb test monofilament nylon fishing line was inserted and glued as a method to attach the lanterns to the stern. I think they turned out better than the previous method.

Panted with yellow glow in the dark paint I "borrowed" from my daughter

Build sequence photos:

And the completed ship:

Comparison shot with a Warlord Games Black Seas 3rd rate

Comparison shot with Henry Turner's resin 3D HMS Captain

There was a bit of a mix up with the bases due to some delayed communications between Pete and I. He lost his broadband while I was asking him what type of base he wanted - Question: Display or gaming? Answer: Gaming; Question: Wood sea base or clear acrylic textured? (Com loss)! So I started working on this sea base:

Then communication was resumed long enough to get the answer that he wanted the clear acrylic textured base. Fortunately I had not yet attached the ship to the sea base, so I changed direction and made the clear base.

The sea mat color is not showing through because the protective film is still on the bottom of the base for shipping.

The ship was packed up and shipped off this afternoon and should get to Pete in the next 10 to 12 days. I sure hop it arrives in tact. For packing I cut two rigid Styrofoam blocks to fit a small box. I used a hot knife to carve out each side to fit the sails, spars, hull and base. the ship was sandwiched in the block. The block taped around then placed in the box using double sided tape to hold it to the bottom. Then that box was set inside a larger box with bubble wrap all around then sealed up, labeled and shipped. 

My next endeavor will be the Danish 74 Holsteen, one of the 1/700 resin hulls from Henry Turner. I had to add some rails to have somewhere to tie later rigging to and repair a minor breakout while drilling a hole.


  1. Impressive! Looks like another masterpiece to me. Great work!

  2. Most beautiful ship, incredible details!

  3. Ship looks fantastic! Great job. I’m sure he’ll be happy with it. 😀
    I read the bit about how you made the stern lanterns 3 times and cannot understand what you did and somehow I feel less manly because of it....😂

    1. I guess I should work on my description skills then 🤣

  4. Fantastic looking ship,she looks gorgeous!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you for the very kind words Iain, they are much appreciated. But IMO my ship pales in comparison to your magnificent Italian gendarmes!
      Your fan,

  5. Goodness me, this is magnificent! I'd have sworn it was a much, much larger model. Brilliantly done.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you James. I was just getting into Napoleonic minis and had done a few cavalry units when I discovered the ships 8 years ago. Haven't done anything but ships and terrain for them since.
