My Workbench

Sunday, October 16, 2022

1/700 Bonhomme Richard

 This one is a 3D model of the Bonhomme Richard from Henry Turner. I am pretty sure most everyone knows the history of this famous ship and it's last captain John Paul Jones, American Hero of the Revolution, or notorious pirate to the British. I will have to do HMS Serapis now, right?

As always, the hull is printed (along with the stacked boats this time), and all of the rest is scratch built.

There were no chain channels on this model so I had to add them to have a place to attach the shrouds and ratlines.

My usual method for constructing masts

Adding the trees below the fighting top platforms

Tapering the ends of the spars

Spars and furled course separated and marked for later

Sails printed on my HP printer, cut out and shaped

First sail tied on and dressed

Made the mistake of including a driver boom initially, before I realized the Bonhomme Richard doesn't have one in any painting, just the driver gaff. I removed it later.

First part of the standing rigging is done here. Next is the ratline/shrouds.

Ratlines and the rest of the standing rigging is done along with the remaining sails.

Here is the finished model with the Serapis Flag leaving France for the new United States.

The mizzen rigging was a bit tricky without a driver boom