
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

1/1200 HMS Aeolis 32-Gun Frigate

It has been four years this month since I completed a 1/1200 scale sailing ship. I used to knock these little guys out one after another, no problem. This was hard! I suppose I have become somewhat spoiled by the larger 1/700 scale sailing ships I have been building since then. And it's been eight months since I've built one of those. 

I finished rigging this little ship today. Not my best work, but hey.

There are six more 1/1200 ships to finish: two needing spars, sails, and rigging; four needing just rigging.


  1. That looks great Vol. The rigging looks quite fiddly, but you haven't lost your touch.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, but compared to my past work this ship should be named HMS Charlie Brown, haha

  2. It’s been a long time since I’ve touched the 1/1200 ships as well. Just too many other projects.
    That one came out nicely though. 😀

  3. Excellent looking ship, it's always hard going back!
    Best Iain
