
Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Last of the British Fleet

 These are the last 1/2400 scale British ships I needed, all destroyers and escorts. On the top are 6 Hunt class destroyer escorts. Next row left to right: 5 S-class destroyers, 4 E-class, 1 Tribal class, 5 A-class. Bottom row left to right: 5 Town class, 5 M-class, and 5 N-class destroyer built for the Royal Australian Navy.

I now have 7 more US ships and 58 more Japanese ships left to finish, plus a few French and Italian vessels, and some more merchant ships. After that I need to think about what to do for the aircraft squadrons.


  1. That is going to make for quite a convoy game Vol. I purchased some of the GHQ planes and will hopefully get around to painting them one day, but decided to use printed markers for our aircraft.

    1. That is what I've been thinking, Lawrence. I have downloaded silhouettes of most of the aircraft to mount on heavy card. But rather than flat, I would like to come up with a way to elevate the token formations.

  2. More splendid additions, you'll have to start another period!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Like dreadnoughts or pre-dreadnoughts?

    2. Pre dreadnought? That would be fun and colourful!
      Best Iain caveadsum1471

  3. Good stuff. Those came out nicely.
    I read ‘58 more’ and laughed. Sounds like a lot to me. 😀

    1. It is, and I'm not real excited about it, not to mention all of the aircraft markers that need to be made.
