Here is the third ship for my friend Gunner, the Bonhomme Richard. On this one I left the deck alone except for plugging the old flag pole hole in the aft deck, and repainted the hull. For some reason Ares painted the hull black and gunwales bright red??? They do some weird stuff. Again the spanker and stay sails were billowed in opposite directions, weird! So scratch stay sails to match the spanker, old masts cut away and sails cleaned up. New masts attached to sails and fully rigged.
Original model from Ares
Repacked and ready to go
Looks outstanding Vol. great job! 😀
If SoG ships all looked like that I’d buy them all.
Thanks Stew. They don't and they are awful to work on. Way more work than anything else I have done! Navwar, Davco, Black Seas are a joy compared to these horrible Ares models IMO. So happy there is just one more to do.
How's the AWI project coming along?
Lol lame SoG ships.
The AWZi is coming on tolerable well. Next post shall feature my painting progress. 😀
Amazing job. I am so impressed. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the kind words Truro
Peter Hook or Peter Taylor or John Smith or whatever name you use, you are not getting your SPAM on my blog! So yo may as well stop trying!
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