The first of the four Sails of Glory ships for my friend Gunner is the 80 gun Bucentaur class Ville de Varsovie.
Note the jib and fore stay sails are blowing opposite of the mizzen lateen driver direction. All of the ships except the Constitution are like this. Really dumb error on Ares part. Also this ship was launched after 1800 and should have a gaff and boom driver. I did not change it. |
The ratlines I made on the jig I developed for the 1/700 Black Seas ships. It works for this scale as well. The plastic masts are replaced with various weight music wire. |
Main and topmast spars added for reinforcement of the flimsy plastic. |
Note the rail I had to add to be able to tie off the main mast back stays. Made from common staples. Paper jib and fore stay sails made to billow in the proper direction. |
A little blue silver added to the windows to replace the black |
View of the new heads in the bow Just noticed the base is in the wrong orientation |
With just a few modifications to the packing to accomodate the new rigging |
Really great job doing up / improving the SoG ship. Now it looks like a miniature for wargaming and not a plastic game piece. 😀
Extra bonus points for it fitting back into the package.
Haha, yes I learned on the previous two I did for Gunner. They didn't fit well at all.
I have never been a fan of these Ares ships at all. Fans like them because they require no work at all, whereas I think they take more work than any other ship I have ever worked on! I even like doing scratch builts better.
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