I received my first ever order of 3D ships from designer Henry Turner. I first got acquainted with Henry nearly two years ago when he was living in Siberia. He contacted me about the 1/1200 scratch builds I was doing and was interested in trying his own in 1/900 scale as I remember. We corresponded quite a bit as he made two or three ships. At some point he developed an interest in the design aspect for 3D printing. He relocated back to his home in the UK, and now is one of the two best known designers of 3D ships in several scales. Henry recently aquired a new 3D resin printer and has expanded his business to include physical prints of his designs. I chose the 1/700 scale to add to the Warlord Games Black Seas ships I have been working on. Here is a photo of my order:
From left to right:
Majestic (razeed), Courageux, Canada class (Captain), Holsteen, Leda class, Concorde class, Unite (Surprise), Magicienne, two Pandora class, Bounty, Lynx, and above is a xebec.
The post from the UK was quite rough (a 2" hole punctured in one side of the box) and there was some minor damage to four of the ships. The worst was Holsteen and Captain including the loss of railing, lanterns, and catheads, along with some guns snapping off. But nothing I couldn't fix.
I used the mesh edging from my 1/1200 ratline material for railing |
I used a bit of card to replace the broken off taff railing above the stern galleries |
New guns painted black for better visual |
For guns I drilled holes and inserted 20lb test fishing line, then snipped it off to match the other guns |
For catheads I drilled holes, inserted pins, then glued the new carved catheads onto the pins |

For lanterns I drilled holes, inserted 20lb test fishing line, snipped it off, built up with successive layers of PVA, shaped a bit with a needle file, painted
I am about halfway through building HMS Captain right now and when it's done I will be posting the result. Here is the painted hull:
Note I added rails just aft of the main channels for later rigging |
Be sure to check out Henry's new kickstarter: