A couple of weeks ago Henry Turner, from Turner Miniatures, asked me if I would be interested in building a ship from his upcoming Spanish Armada Kickstarter coming out around September 1st so he can use it for advertising. Of course I said no! (NOT LIKELY!) I actually said hell yes! So here is the build of a 1588 Spanish Armada Uncas Transport Galleon. I hope you like it!
After Henry sent me the file, I sliced it with Ultimaker Cura 4.12.1 to prepare it for my Ender 5 Pro printer. Then started printing.
I use masking tape after the brim has printed to ensure the print stays fast to the table. |
The print turned out beautiful |
I had never built one of these before so I had to do some research. There is not much to go on.
The first base colors are on |
I built the masts in my usual method with steel music wire |
The sails for this one are made from regular printer paper |
Masts set |
Spars are tied on and tie holes punched into sails |
Sails get tied onto spars with just a touch of glue to hold the knots |
All of the sails are now on |
The first of the standing rigging is being applied |
Time to make the ratlines. One set more for this ship due to the extra mast |
Ratlines mounted |
All of the standing rigging is done and the first of the running rigging has started at the stem |
I'm sorry I didn't take any photos of the running rigging process. It was a bit more involved than my usual. The rigging is complete in the photo below.
The base is cut and vinyl texture is on and dry. The hull shape is cleaned out. |
And the finished beauty shots:
Looks like another masterpiece to me. Great job!
That came up beautifully Vol. Everything is perfect, not least the intricate rigging.
Thanks Jon. How goes it on the remote gaming front?
Thank you Lawrence, it was a fun project. Now maybe I can get back to WWII ships. I just ordered some IJN flat tops and light cruisers from Panzerschiffe to see what they look like compared to my few GHQ and 3D printed ships.
Gorgeous looking galleon, splendid finish!
Best Iain
Great job. Is the kickstarter just for the hills? I don’t know of anyone else who scratch builds the masts, sails, and rat lines other than you.
I buy all those pieces for my ships.
Hi Vol, one more remote playing of Hood's Attack this week and then may have time to return to a F2F game if your schedule permits. Did you see the BatRep from the 31 July game?
I just read it Jon,
Great report, I read every word and enlarged every photo for study!
Thanks Iain, it was fun but not a lot of references to go by in building it.
Thanks Stew. No, there are also full sails with masts to go with it, but printed masts are pretty flimsy and wouldn't hold up very long on a game table. Mine can be knocked over and even dropped without much, if any damage.
Do you take commissions for 1/700 ships, Vol?
Not generally. Henry is a long time friend, so I will occasionally do one for him for photo advertising. Payment is the 3D file at no charge. I have also occasionally printed ships for folks for a low fee.
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