My daughters have been asking me to make a booknook for a long time. So just before Christmas I started one. Both of my girls are diehard Harry Potter fans since they were little so I chose a very common nook theme, Diagon Alley.
I found the STL files for three store fronts, Ollivanders Wand Shop, Florish & Blotts book shop, and Quality Quidditch Supplies. I went with 1/64 scale for resizing the prints from the original 1/35 scale.
After printing I started on the walls. I used foamcore for the walls and drew out all of the store fronts and windows I wanted. Using a metal stylus I carved the brick patterns into the foam and cut out the windows and doors.
The forward perspective view will be the red Quidditch shop and sign |
The reverse perspective view from the mirror shows Madam Malkins Robe shop |
The first fairy lights are installed, testing them out and making adjustments |
Added a latch made from brass sheet. The clored card covers all of the wiring and provides the mount for the store and apartment interior pictures |
I tried to make the top of the box like the pages of a book |
I finally finished the nook tonight in time to present it to my daughter for her 28th birthday. Her 21 year old sister wants one now, the same one 🤯
This is pretty cool! Great job!
Brilliant! Absolutely fantastic!
Thanks Jonathan. My first nook. My 2nd daughter informed me she wants the LOTR Bridge at Khazad Dum Gandalf vs balrog scene. What have I started!
Thank you
That is absolutely stunning! I didn't understand the title until I followed along with your process & results. Absolutely brilliant! Looking forward to what you come up with for your younger Daughter. Indeed, what have you started!
~ Tom T
Thank you Tom
I am struggling to come up with an idea how to do it!
Atta girl! Lotr much cooler than lame Harry…😀
Super stellar craftsmanship there. Fun gift for the kiddos. 😀
Please Stew, she doesn't need encouragement!
Thanks Stew, so when are you going to make a few for your kiddies' amazement?🤣🤣
My kids know to expect nothing from me but stern looks and spankings.
Yeah Stew, I bet you are a real Baron Von Trapp! Haha
Magnificent concept. Brilliant execution. No wonder her sister wants one!
Regards, James
Thank you James. Her nook is The Bridge at Khazad Dum. I am finished with everything but the figures and lighting. I am waiting for my daughter to finish sculpting the balrog to see what I have to work with. In the meantime I am working on a 1/700 scale fort Château du Taureau until I get the balrog
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